Sunday, June 20

Chocolate Cake...THE BOMB!!!

So this time this is NOT a healthy recipe, not even close to that, but it is the most amazing chocolate cake you can get!


300g chocolate (75% chocolate bar)
300g sugar
200g margarine
8 eggs
2 tbl spoons all purpose flour
1 small glass of milk

Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease and flour a baking tray.

Melt the chocolate with the butter. Beat the egg yolk with the sugar and mix it with the chocolate until you get and even consistency. Add flour and milk and stir in. Beat the egg white until stiff and add to the chocolate mix, with slow movements from bottom to top.

Set aside on a bowl 1/3 of the dough and let it cool down. When cold, reserve in the fridge.
Pour the remaining batter on the baking tray and bake for about 30 min. Check regularly so you make sure the cake don't get too dry. It will be done when you stick a in the center and it comes out with some bits of cake still. This is a really moist cake, so it doesn't need much cooking.

Let it cool down and pour the batter you reserved in the fridge on top. You can do this on the all cake, or individually in each slice!

You can also bake the all batter, it will only make a bigger cake!
In this case it is nice to serve it with some fresh mango, vanilla ice cream or flambe strawberries!

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